How the Deal was Done | Deal Stories Podcast features stories from top sellers and leaders on their biggest and most memorable deals.

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Ep. 38: Rep Boomerang 7-figure Transformation Deal featuring Shawn Curtis

Shawn Curtis shares an intense negotiation involving a high-stakes deal at Spreedly, a payments orchestration company. He discusses overcoming internal challenges, str...

Ep. 37: How the Deal Was *Not* Done, Navigating Cultural Differences with Colin Specter

Colin Specter shares his experiencing becoming the top seller at his company and a formative deal that he fell short on and what he learned from it. Background: Coli...

Ep. 36: Playing the Long Game to Win Deals, Stay Agile, and Keep Going featuring John Barrows

John Barrows, one of the top sales trainers and thought leaders, joins for a look back on his journey and fun discussion on a particularly large and memorable deal fro...

Ep.35: Selling the Vision Before Building the Product featuring Amanda Brem, Founder - The Brem Method

Amanda Brem, founder of the Brem Method, recounts how she pitched and executed her first academic coaching course for pre-medical students, overcoming skepticism and c...

Ep. 34: Bringing the Juice to Win Tough Deals featuring Drew Wills

Drew Wills shares his journey from a senior in college struggling to find a job to impressive runs at LinkedIn and Gong and now becoming VP of Sales at Brilliant. Drew...

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